More than 105,000 individuals in Australia alone are experiencing homelessness as we speak.
Around half of these people have friends and family that they can rely on to provide temporary shelter; others will find a bed in either boarding homes or through bed-in-service systems.
1 in 7 homeless Australians will sleep rough on the streets every night.
On any given night in Australia 1 in 200 people are homeless.
Sadly, this scenario is little different when you look to other western nations who claim to be prosperous countries on the world stage.
Homelessness can affect anyone – including you. Broken marriages, disabilities, domestic violence, mental illness or breakdown can all contribute to homelessness.
In order to tackle homelessness head on and raise funds to aid those facing hardship, CEOs across Australia are coming together in a show of solidarity for the annual Vinnies CEO Sleepout.
Lending his voice, network and resources in a bid to raise $5,000 for the cause is Sean Tinsley, Managing Director for Flowcrete Australia – a supplier of seamless resin-based floor coating systems designed to provide a hardwearing and decorative surfaces in a wide range of industrial and commercial environments.
The event has raised $35 million over the past 11 years, reaching close to $5 million in 2017.
Sean is one of Flowcrete’s longest serving employees having worked with the company for close to 30 years.
Having originally trained in the laboratory at the company’s HQ in the UK, Sean has held a variety of international sales and business development posts, before being promoted to Managing Director for Flowcrete Australia in 2005.
“To feel that you don’t belong anywhere, or have no support and nowhere to turn, must be one of the most distressing experiences a person can have. If sleeping outdoors for one night alongside other industry leaders can help just one person touched by homelessness, then I’m privileged to be able to help raise funds for those less fortunate”.
The money raised from the Vinnies CEO Sleepout directly assists the homeless through the funding of new projects and the continuation and expansion of homeless services. These initiatives reflect Vinnies’ determination to provide real alternatives to homelessness and to truly offer a hand up, not only a hand out.
To support Sean please pledge what you can on his donation page –