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Seasonal Shutdown Advice


Tis the Season…for a Refurbishment!

Many industries take a breather over the holiday period, shutting down factories and offices as demand slows during the festive season.

This makes it a great time to not only give employees time to refresh themselves, but to also refresh your facility with some much needed refurbishment work. It’s an especially good time for flooring upgrade works, as it can otherwise be very difficult to find a time when you can refurbish the floor without seriously disrupting the site’s operational activity.

As timing is of the essence during a seasonal shutdown, resin floors based on methyl methacrylate (MMA) technology have become a popular choice for quick turn-around industrial flooring upgrades.

This speed is thanks to the fact that a special catalyst within the MMA formulation means that it will rapidly cure, creating a high performance finish in only a matter of hours. Compared to the days or weeks that alternative resin chemistries can take to fully cure, this provides an obvious advantage and allows the refurbishment to quickly proceed, ensuring that the site will be up and running by the time the staff come back to work.

In addition, MMAs can be installed on a wide range of substrates including concrete, steel, tiles, and other resin materials. This means that the existing floor doesn’t need to be taken up and so saves you time, labour and money.

It’s also an ideal product for spaces such as cold storage rooms, as it can be installed at -20 °C so there’s no time wasted bringing the area up to a warmer temperature and then cooling it again.

MMA floors are a great choice for a long list of market sectors and industrial environments thanks to the durable, seamless, colourful and slip resistant characteristics that this type of coating provides. Many facilities have installed MMA systems thanks to the fact that they survive intensive conditions while being seamless, impervious, easy to clean, colourful and slip resistant.

So if your floor is looking less than its best, don’t delay! Get in touch with a resin flooring expert today and schedule in a refurbishment during your next seasonal shutdown.

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Dan Ash

Daniel Ash is the PR & Media Manager at the global resin flooring manufacturer Flowcrete Group Ltd. Dan's role includes creating press releases, blogs, white papers and case studies on Flowcrete products and projects as well as educational content for construction industry professionals.

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