Thanks for visiting our brand spanking new flooring blog,, brought to you by the folks that know all about resin flooring – Flowcrete.
We hope that will serve as a hub for all things resin – bringing you content not only related to Flowcrete, it’s products, services, projects and people but also new trends and innovations from the wider resin flooring industry.
Many people will be aware that resin floors have long since been a popular choice for industrial applications including food factories, automotive workshops and warehousing units.
Resin is the go to material in these environments thanks to its hard-wearing, chemical resistant and slip-proof finish.
However, resin is no longer the lacklustre, industrious and practical flooring choice. Innovations in sustainable formulations and decorative aggregate mixes have seen beautiful resin surfaces pop up in large-scale commercial premises including shopping malls, leisure facilities and hotels.
This new breed of resin floors not only serves as a public platform to walk over but have become a decorative talking point underfoot and a major design feature in the fabric of a building.
The team at want to share with you our passion for resin flooring, so check back here and join us as we embark on a journey of floor discovery!