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One Year On from our Company Introduction Video

  • One Year On from our Company Introduction Video
  • One Year On from our Company Introduction Video
  • One Year On from our Company Introduction Video
  • One Year On from our Company Introduction Video

One Year On from our Company Introduction Video

We can’t believe it’s been over a year since we filmed our company introduction video at the Flowcrete HQ offices and production facility in Sandbach, UK!

A year on from the final cut going online, we thought we’d share with you a few behind-the-scenes shots and insights from the filming process.

Bright and early on the first shoot day, we were ready to get set up for Mark Greaves, Craig Brookes, Andrew Gwyther and Shelley Earl’s filming sessions.

We chose a range of locations around the Flowcrete HQ site to showcase the hive of activity that are the Flowcrete UK and Flowcrete Group offices!

For our one-on-ones with the Management Team, we descended on the warehouse, production facility, samples production area and laboratory as well as a handful of locations in the sales office with a full lighting kit, camera and dolly tracks.

The Flowcrete UK and Group team were excited to get involved – on day two, once we’d shot the Management Team, we took a trip around the full facility to capture the crew doing what they do best.

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Linsey Black

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