A well-aged, full-bodied wine is a hard feat to achieve and wineries invest a lot of time, effort and energy into ensuring every bottle hits the right notes of taste, aroma and indulgence.
But whilst a wine can improve with age, the wrong conditions can make it deteriorate rapidly. In a recent study of eight American wine cellars it was the floors and drains that were identified as the sites most likely to be contaminated. Even the cleanest of the facilities in the study was still at risk of spoilage problems if the floor was dirty.
Many wineries install concrete floors; however this is porous and can easily crack if not properly maintained. Once the integrity of the surface has been compromised the floor will become a contamination risk, as microbiological pathogens will easily accumulate and the cleaning process won’t be as effective in clearing them away.
Flowcrete has created a white paper to help winery operators recognise potential flooring problems and the options available to them to reduce the chance of bacteria building up.
The challenges faced by wine cellar floors are identified and the benefits of different types of polymer flooring solutions are described.
The whitepaper explains how the robust and seamless nature of a polymer floor can cope with heavy vehicles, barrel transportation, corrosion from wine acids, humid conditions and staining much better than concrete – providing a reliable, easy to clean surface.
The potential to include special additives into the mix to provide tailored solutions is also described. This includes slip-resistant finishes to provide better grip in wet environments and how the anti-microbial agents in Flowfresh can eliminate up to 99.99% of germs on the floor.
You can download a copy of the white paper here…
1 thought on “Keep the Wine Flowing with Flowcrete”
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Very much Informative blog. Is there any blog for plastering services.