The month of June sees the start of Flowcrete’s new financial year, which means there is no better time to catch up with our directors and hear how they feel about the successes of the company and the employees who work hard to achieve their goals.
The shoot took place at Flowcrete HQ in Sandbach, England, and was spread over two days. Along with a wide range general views of the site, the focus on the first day belonged to the interviews. Up first was Craig Brookes, Vice-president and Managing Director of Flowcrete International who explained the global reach of the company and how the International entities have expanded.
Next was the turn of Flowcrete Europe’s Managing Director, Andrew Gwyther. Andrew was very enthusiastic about the team ethic that Flowcrete employees undertake, and was keen to relay the RPM motto of “Hire the best people you can find. Create an atmosphere that will keep them. Then let them do their jobs.” – Frank C. Sullivan, 1947
To end the first day of the shoot Flowcrete Group Finance Director, Shelley Earl, discussed the benefits of the RPM acquisition that took place back in 2008 and how the company has thrived since then.
The second day of the shoot saw Flowcrete Group President, Mark Greaves, step up to the limelight to talk about the structure of the company and how the entities have worked together to achieve much success throughout the years.
Keep your eye on our website, youtube channel, and twitter for the release of the videos.